The show, which follows commercial fishermen as they fish for lucrative bluefin tuna, has captured the attention of fishermen and reality-TV fans across the nation. The show is back for a third season Sunday at 9 p.m. ET/PT and there’s a lot at stake.
The fishermen can net $1,000 to $24,000 for just one fish, and with millions watching globally, no one can forget the competition. Last season, Captain Tyler McLaughlin squeaked by Captain Dave Carraro of the FV-Tuna.Com for the title. Paul Hebert, who was fired from the crew of with just weeks left in the season, is back with his own boat, and the captains say this season will be the most competitive yet.
“You try to be happy for the other guy. But it’s human instinct, or maybe it’s just jealousy,” Captain Dave Marciano says.
“That fish is worth potentially $10,000 so for me, it’s way more important to catch than it is for Paul,” Marciano says, motioning to Captain Hebert, who is still preoccupied trying to figure out how to check the fishing conditions on his iPhone.
He might not be a gadget-master, but on board his boat, Wicked Pissah! — a New England term for awesome — Hebert is king.